A Rabbinical Student's Blog

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Eighth Internship Visit

My eighth internship visit consisted of, on Friday afternoon, of visiting the Hartford Jewish Federation and speaking with the staff member in charge of allocations. I hadn’t previously known about how Federations allocated their money, so it was interestingly enlightening (and not so mysterious anymore). I also learned about other elements about federations.
After that, we visited a lady in a hospital who had given birth just that morning. The maternity ward in that hospital was very nice. It was definitely a place in which I wouldn’t mind having a baby. It was fairly newish and definitely nice, especially the woodwork.
That evening, I gave the Friday night devar Torah between kabbalat Shabbat and ma’ariv, my seventh such time. I spoke about how what appeared in the parshah fit into the larger narrative flow.
The next day, I presented on Aleinu during my sixth "Worship Workshop" class (source sheet).

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