A Rabbinical Student's Blog

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Job Pondering

Although my classmates and I at school had a placement meeting a week ago to start the ball rolling on the job search process as well as a session two weeks ago working on resumes and a week ago on interviews, I still was not super clear on the type of job I wanted. I've been thinking that Hillel might be an idea (perhaps their senior educator positions), although some sort of Jewish institution or organization may also be a good fit. However, I had a helpful conversation yesterday with a staff member to work on my resume and to help me consider more specifically how to market my skills/self and which jobs to consider. The considering begins....



  • Getting started really needs a lot of work. I can't even think if what I have now is appropriate or very much to my liking. If you want to make a free online resume, you might want to check out nuResume.com and explore job search online. Good luck with your resume and all..

    By Blogger nuAlerts, At Wednesday, November 26, 2008  

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